Sunday, May 11, 2008

Introduction to the The Clients

Steve Jobs: CEO of Apple

Steve Jobs
By Barbara Kiviat

Steve Paul Jobs

Born 1955 Los Altos CA; Evangelic bad boy who, with Steve Wozniak, co-founded Apple Computer Corporation and became a multimillionaire before the age of 30. Subsequently started the NeXT Corporation to provide an educational system at a reasonable price, but found that software was a better seller than hardware. (
Steve Jobs is great at playing the countercultural icon. He's a college dropout who once backpacked around India looking for spiritual enlightenment, and he takes only $1 a year in salary. There are righteous battles to fight, and with Macs and iTunes and iPhones, Jobs fights them, taking on the entrenched megaliths that try to dictate our tastes in computers and music and mobile phones.

Steve also co-founded Pixar Animation Studios, which has created eight of the most successful and beloved animated films of all time: Toy Story, A Bug's Life, Toy Story 2, Monsters, Inc., Finding Nemo, The Incredibles, Cars and Ratatouille. Pixar has won 20 Academy Awards and its films have grossed more than $4 billion at the worldwide box office to date. Pixar merged with The Walt Disney Company in 2006 and Steve now serves on Disney's board of directors.

But don't let the black mock turtleneck and denim trousers fool you. More than anything else, Jobs is a canny CEO who knows how to sell product. Steve Wozniak was the technical genius behind the first Apple computer; Jobs saw the marketability. He now presides over a company with $24 billion in annual sales and 22,000 employees. Jobs, 53, is revered by tech and design geeks, but the world's business-school students may have the most to learn from him. Apple's stock has shot up more than 70% over the past year, thanks to Jobs' strategy of focusing on his most profitable customers and coming up with new things to sell them—the ultra-thin MacBook Air most recently—rather than just chasing more market share.
Jobs may be a celebrity CEO, but he doesn't jump out of airplanes or traipse around Africa with bundles of cash. He is always in character and always on message, so much so that when late-night TV parodies him, he's invariably rolling out some new iProduct . Jobs gets called mercurial, egomaniacal, a micromanager. If that sounds a little like a CEO doing his job, maybe that's because he is—and a mighty fine one.

Steve Jobs
By Barbra Kiviat,28804,1733748_1733758_1736089,00.html Date acessed 9/05/08

Zhang Yin: CEO and Entrepreneur

Zhang was born in Heilongjiang province in the north east of China, bordering Russia, in 1957. Zhang's father, Zhang Deen was a Lieutenant in the Red Army and she was the eldest of eight children.Though her father was in the army, the family faced some troubled times. Her father was imprisoned during the Cultural Revolution12. Zhang and her mother worked in a textile factory to support the family. As Zhang said, "In those days, we only had meat to eat on holidays. But the lack of material things made me appreciate the value of possessions. My parents always encouraged us to face life and solve our problems independently."13 After leaving the army, Zhang Deen joined a metallurgy firm in Guangdong province. Zhang moved to Shenzhen in the early 1980s, when economic reforms had just begun in China. She started working in a foreign paper products trading company, in its finance department.

Donnatella Vesarce: Fasion Designer and Business Woman.

Born in Reggio Calabria, Italy, in 1959, Donatella is 13 years younger than Gianni.
Despite their age difference, the siblings had a very close relationship and Gianni considered Donatella as his muse.
Donatella started as an accessories designer at the House of Versace. Later on, she would start designing the children's line (Versace Young) and then Versus, a fashion-forward line where Donatella was named Head Designer.
After Gianni's death in 1997, Donatella became the Vice Chairman and Style & Image Director of the House of Versace.
On her first runway show, a lot of designers, including Giorgio Armani showed up to show their support.
Although the fashion world accepted her as a full-pledged designer, the House of Versace experienced sagging sales for two years, while the whole world mourned the death of its founder.
In 2000, the Versace Group finally experience a resurgence in their sales as Donatella bloosomed and became known as Donatella, the fashion designer and not just Gianni's younger sister.
The House of Versace shows its menswear and womenswear line in Milan, and shows its haute couture collection in Paris.

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